where all are welcome but few will stay


Discovering Nora

This mornings news lead me to the Huffington Post to read something about Rosie O'Donnell and her departure from The View. I'll spare you the link. I've never really read the Huffington Post because I've had enough of Ariana Huffington over the last few years and just associated it with her (note where her picture was taken on her wiki page...nuff said).

But this morning, I was lead to Nora Ephron's blog. Who is Nora Ephron? Well, before this morning I knew she was a writer who I thought wrote about fluffy women's issues. She also wrote a couple of chick flicks that did well at the box office. While searching through her blog this morning I gained a great respect for her and her views.

I especially liked this entry about Condi Rice and Hilary Clinton. Its an old entry but I think the commentary still holds. Her take shows that both democrat and republican woman are falling into political traps, and takes them both to task over it; regardless of her own political leanings. It also just amused me that Ephron still holds some weird grudge against owning a VW, and her idea that we should all forgive and rush to visit Berlin as penance for upholding WWII stereotypes.

Clearly, she isn't perfect.

But what she is is honest, eloquent, and worth the read.

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